
So what's all this about then? I'm Jim and I love food, I love to cook, I love to eat, I love to explore new foods too. I've already got a blog called Recipe Tests where I take other people's recipes, try them out and post my results but it's not like I always eat from scratch. Like most people I enjoy eating out but there's always those times when you just want to grab yourself something quick out of the cupboard that can be ready in minutes.

I'm a HUGE fan of South East Asian cuisine so I'm always being lured in by the makers of dehydrated noodle products. They use names that are either really traditional (e.g. Kabuto Beef Pho Noodles) or something outrageous (e.g  Pot Noodle's Bombay Bad Boy) and they all seem so appealing.

Truth is that some are great and some are not so great but who's to know with the huge amount of variety that's out there. This is where this blog comes in, I'll taste them all if I can and let you know what I think.

Check out Noodle News for regular updates on all things Noodley from around the world and there's also the Glossary for an explanation of some of the terms that I find in the ingredients lists.

Disclaimer: The views stated throughout this blog are solely the views of the writer, James Ranson, and nobody else. 

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