Wednesday 23 January 2013

#2 - Kabuto Chicken Ramen Noodles

  • Brand: Kabuto Noodles
  • Flavour: Chicken Ramen
  • Cost: £1.49 (20% off - normally £1.99)
  • From: Sainsbury's
  • Description: A fresh tasting noodle dish with chicken, ginger, chilli, coriander & spring onion
  • Weight: 85g (450g when rehydrated)
  • Allergies: Gluten, Egg, Soya, Milk

    Pretty Good!                                                           Pretty Good!

My new favourite brand, Kabuto Noodles come in a lovely tall recyclable cardboard cup which is really rather splendid in appearance.

To make them you simply add boiling water to an easily distinguishable line on the inner of the cup, replace the foil lid and wait for 3 to 4 minutes. Then stir, wait another minute and dig in.

"How do they taste?" The answer is better than I expected. Don't get me wrong they aren't what you'd expect from Wagamama but for a quick lunch time snack I'm pretty happy with the taste.

"Do they remind me in any way of traditional chicken ramen?" The answer is no. For me a ramen is a bowl of  steaming wheat noodles topped with a variety of chunky garnishes that could be mushrooms, bean sprouts, fresh chilli, even a fried egg. These are egg noodles in a broth with some rehydrated flavourings. As this is the standard way of buying these snacks I wasn't disappointed I just wouldn't ever compare them to a ramen. Some of you many be shouting "But ramen is used to describe instant noodles", no it isn't 'instant ramen' is used to describe instant noodles and I'm a pedant like that.

"How do I feel now I've finished it?" The answer is pretty good. I don't feel over heavy or ready for nap. I've got ginger and chilli on my palette and I'm raring to go.

Conclusion - Not bad at all, I like the eco-friendly packaging, the overall flavour is good and they're super simple to prepare. My tip would be to pour the whole thing into a bowl though as the noodles tend to get in the way of being able to stir the flavourings evenly into the entire pot.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 7.5/10

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