Monday 4 February 2013

#10 - Kabuto Miso Ramen Noodles

  • Brand: Kabuto Noodles
  • Flavour: Miso Ramen
  • Cost: £1.49 (20% off – normally £1.99)
  • From: Sainsbury’s
  • Description: A fresh tasting noodle dish with miso, soy and vegetables
  • Weight: 85g (450g when rehydrated)
  • Allergies: Gluten, Egg, Soya, Milk

    Awesome!                                   Awesome!
Do you know, I've looked forward to these since they arrived with the shopping on Saturday. The packaging is the usual Kabuto packaging, ecologically thoughtful and quite pretty too.

I didn't think I'd get much more excited to eat these but the aroma that comes off when you add boiling water is just delicious.

“How do they taste?” The answer is really, really nice. I think the balance is excellent, great amount of noodles to flavouring (once you've really stirred it together), and the crunchy little bits of leek and onion are brilliant.

“Do they remind me in any way of traditional miso ramen?” The answer is yes. The amount of umami coming out of this pot is just awesome with a little bit of sweetness coming from the onion, leek and other vegetables in there. As ever I haven't seasoned these as I only expect to need boiling water and a fork (occasionally a mug) and there is no need to. These noodles have been really thoughtfully put together and I think they're great. Yes I have issue with using egg noodles in ramen but I'm going to get over that for these.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is pretty good. I feel well satiated and full of beans plus the umami taste is lingering and it tastes good.

Conclusion – Very happy with these. There is still the problem of how to mix the ingredients together properly in the tall thin pot full of boiling water but that's my only issue.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 9/10


  1. Ooooooo! Looks a goodie! From Sainsbury's as well - and we've one of those very close by. I'll have to investigate further. :)

  2. Aye, go for it Jenny, I'm sure you won't be disappointed

  3. [...] foodie friends have pitied the state of our UK noodle industry. On the Noodle League you will see Kabuto Miso Ramen currently standing proud at the top and that is because they have clearly tried to emulate this [...]
