Tuesday 19 February 2013

#21 - Original Curry Pot Noodle

  • Brand: Pot Noodle
  • Flavour: Original Curry
  • Cost: £0.75 (buy 2nd half price deal, original price £1.00)
  • From: Sainsbury's
  • Description: Noodles in an Original Curry flavour sauce with vegetables and a little sachet of sweet mango chutney.
  • Weight: 90g (305g when prepared)
  • Allergies: May contain Soya

    An old school flavour - in a good way                                               An old school flavour - in a good way
I'm pretty hungry today for some reason so I hope these do the trick. To be fair I rarely have hunger / snacking issues following a Pot Noodle so this will be a good test.

Everything is as usual with the packaging which means that everything except the sachet (i.e. the pot and the lid) can be recycled, which is good.

“How do they taste?” The answer is nice. There's the usual noodle product sweetness with a nice kick of spice and an almost fruity flavour coming over the top. That could be from the sweet mango chutney which I tasted a little of straight from the sachet. Guess what? It actually tasted, more or less, like authentic mango chutney!

“Do they remind me in any way of a curry?”  The answer is that it does, but not an Indian / Pakistani curry. The flavour much more approximates a Chinese curry flavour which isn't a problem for me but is a little surprising given the ingredients of Curry Powder and Ground Cumin. A further look at the ingredients shows that it also contains cheese powder - I wonder why? There is also an ingredient I don't recognise, Sodium Diacetate. I will find out what it is however so head over to the glossary to see what this is where you'll find descriptions of some of the other weird ingredients; maltodextrin, MSG, sodium carbonate & potassium carbonate.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is satiated and pretty happy. I am ready to hit the afternoon and all my earlier hunger pangs have dissipated, excellent!

Conclusion – It's one of Pot Noodle's oldest flavours and you can see why it's still popular. There's a good level of chilli heat, a lovely broth, sticky noodles, great little bits of veg floating about all in a nice sized lunchtime meal.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 7/10


  1. [...] The answer is yes, but it’s more of a Chinese curry flavour. This is what I said about the Original Curry Pot Noodle I reviewed so they’re in good company. Ingredients include cardamom, coriander, turmeric, [...]

  2. These are quite nice, quite a tangy curry but I don't find they fill me up and they're not one you'd eat for a curry kick, more as a snack in the morning.
