Thursday 21 February 2013

#23 - Chinese Chow Mein Pot Noodle

  • Brand: Pot Noodle
  • Flavour: Chinese Chow Mein
  • Cost: £0.75 (buy 2nd half price deal, original price £1.00)
  • From: Sainsbury’s
  • Description: Noodles in an Chinese Chow Mein flavour sauce with vegetables and a little sachet of oriental soy sauce.
  • Weight: 90g (305g when prepared)
  • Allergies: None listed

    Not quite...                                              Not quite...
I seem to be getting through these Pot Noodle flavours quite quickly but they're the easiest to find aren't they, they're everywhere from petrol stations to supermarkets. I don't know why they're the most popular here in the UK but they clearly are.

I've not tried this flavour before, or at least if I have I don't remember, so I'm quite intrigued as to how I'll find it. The first impressions are always good though with Pot Noodle, almost entirely recyclable packaging.

“How do they taste?” The answer is interesting. They're not as sweet as you usually find with this type of product and there's a lingering bitterness which is relatively fresh. I think I like it but I'm not totally convinced...

“Do they remind me in any way of a Chinese chow mein?”  The answer is nearly. You see a proper chow mein (not the crispy Hong Kong style) is just noodles and meat (usually stir fried with ginger, garlic, spring onion and a variety of other vegetables) then mixed with soy sauce. This has a hint of ginger running through it and leaves a salty / soy sauce kind of after taste. It's difficult to compare it properly when I've had so many chow meins in my life.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is satiated and pretty happy but with a crazy salty mouth. I am ready to hit the afternoon which is the important thing.

Conclusion – This after taste is starting to get to me, it's too salty - it contains nearly 2g of salt, that's over 30% of the recommended daily allowance - but all in all I enjoyed the experience of eating it. I can see how they've really tried to get the chow mein flavours so all in all - a good try.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 6/10

1 comment:

  1. [...] I’d be very pleased to hear from you. I don’t know why the darker blue works for the Chow Mein flavour – it just [...]
