Thursday 28 February 2013

#25 - Sweet & Sour Pot Noodle

  • Brand: Pot Noodle
  • Flavour: Sweet & Sour
  • Cost: £0.75 (buy 2nd half price deal, original price £1.00)
  • From: Sainsbury’s
  • Description: Noodles in an Chinese Sweet and Sour flavour sauce with vegetables and a little sachet of sweet and sour sauce.
  • Weight: 90g (305g when prepared)
  • Allergies: None listed

    Weird Colour Packaging                                          Weird Colour Packaging
The Pot Noodle range currently has 12 flavours and this is my 7th review. Don't worry though there's also the King Pots and GTi flavours to try - how exciting!

I'll make my usual Pot Noodle comment: congratulations on nearly having 100% recyclable packaging - just got the sachet to work on. Unusually I'm going to comment on the colour of this pot - who decided that sky blue was the best colour to represent sweet and sour? Surely it should be a bright red or orange...

Anyway, that's not as important as what's inside. Hang on, yes it is! If I actually went to a supermarket (I get my rations delivered) and was browsing the aisle there is nothing that I'd find appealing about this colour. If anyone can name me a common food stuff that is naturally sky blue in colour I'd be very pleased to hear from you. I don't know why the darker blue works for the Chow Mein flavour - it just does!
“How do they taste?” The answer is a tad bland. There's a little bit of spice I can detect in the unctuous broth but not enough for my liking. In fact there's not enough all around flavour of anything, that said the flavour you get isn't offensive, it's pretty tasty actually - just needs to be stronger. Looking through the ingredients I can see an item I don't recognise, tartaric acid, but by the time you read this I'll have looked it up and there'll be a definition in our glossary. One ingredient I didn't expect to see listed is apple, didn't see any, didn't taste any.

“Do they remind me in any way of a sweet and sour dish?”  The answer is nearly. There are many sweet notes and even a hint of sour - but only a hint. I had a taste of the sachet contents and that's where they're trying to get most of the sour taste I think as it contains malt vinegar and lemon juice along with the usual citric acid.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is satiated and pretty happy, bring on the rest of the day!

Conclusion – It's average by Pot Noodle standards, not enough punch in the flavour.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 5.5/10

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