Tuesday 19 March 2013

#33 - Chicken Flavour Mug Shot On The Go!

  • Brand: Mug Shot On The Go!
  • Flavour: Chicken
  • Cost: £1.00
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Ribbon noodles in a chicken flavour sauce with sweetcorn and mushrooms
  • Weight: 67g (275g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Cow's Milk, Wheat Gluten, Barley Gluten, Egg, Celery

Chicken Mug Shot on the Go!

This is my second Mug Shot on the Go! and the first one, Spicy Sweet & Sour, was very nice so I'm looking forward to this one.

Packaging is 100% recyclable which is excellent but there is a problem with the instructions. You are told to fill to line, the line is on the outside of a completely opaque cardboard pot, so how are you supposed to be exacting when you put the water on the inside? I once had this idea that the makers of these products tested everything to give you the best possible product. After the King Pot Noodle fiasco, coupled with this, I'm not so sure. To be honest though, if not, why not?

“How do they taste?” The answer is quite nice. The flavour is relatively sweet with a good dose of umami working its way around the palette. The noodles are of a good consistency and are well coated with sauce. Not bad.

“Do they remind me in any way of a chicken dish?” The answer is only just. The flavour is   a cross between 1980's vending machine chicken soup and roast chicken skin. Surprisingly I find this quite pleasant. The bits of sweetcorn and mushroom floating around don't do a lot and I'm starting to get a salty after taste...

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is salty but satisfied. I'm a bit peckish today so I'll probably snack before dinner but that's not a reflection on the pot.

Conclusion – Not as good as the Spicy Sweet & Sour but not bad. This saltiness is getting on my nerves a bit too.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 5.5/10

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