Monday 25 March 2013

#35 - Shanghai Garden Curry Flavour Noodles

  • Brand: Shanghai Garden
  • Flavour: Curry
  • Cost: £0.18
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Instant Curry Flavour Noodles
  • Weight: 108g (408g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Wheat, Gluten (cannot guarantee nut free)

    Cheap and a bit cheerful...        Cheap and quite cheerful...
There is a little note on the back of these noodles that says "Produced in China for Tesco Stores Ltd" which can only imply that there is some kind of exclusivity deal going on. I've tried to find information on Shanghai Garden but I've not been very successful unfortunately.

Packaging is the standard, cellophane wrapped noodles with a foil flavour sachet inside. There is no sign that any of this is recyclable. Preparation is also quite standard; add noodles and sachet contents to pan, add boiling water, bring back to the boil, simmer, eat.

“How do they taste?” The answer is surprisingly alright. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a flavour sensation but there is flavour there. The noodles are a good consistency too. I'm going to give them 2 out of 4 I think - middle of the road.

“Do they remind me in any way of a traditional curry dish?” The answer is incredibly mildly. The ingredients contain turmeric, cumin, chilli and garlic as well as caraway seed, cayenne pepper, Szechuan pepper, ginger and aniseed. They've clearly tried but at 18p per portion you're never going to get that much. Here's an idea Mr Tesco - put them up to 25p and make them taste of curry?

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is quite full with a lot of salt left in my mouth. A full pack of these gives you 32% of your daily calorie intake, 36% of your daily fat intake, 64% of your daily saturates intake and 24% of your daily salt intake so I'm not surprised about how I'm left feeling.

Conclusion – A product from China that can be picked up on our UK shelves for 18p per unit. There's not a lot of love gone into these although I do approve of the ingredients list, there's nothing artificial in there at all. They taste alright too so I'd probably go for them again if it wasn't for this salty taste I'm left with.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 4.5/10

1 comment:

  1. [...] another offering from Shanghai Garden, Tesco’s budget producer all the way from China. The curry flavour I tried impressed me a little bit because for only 18p they got a score of 4.5, let’s see how [...]
