Wednesday 22 May 2013

#54 - Batchelor's Barbecue Beef Flavour Super Noodles

  • Brand: Batchelor’s Super Noodles
  • Flavour: Barbecue Beef
  • Cost: £0.50 (reduced from £0.68)
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Super Noodles in a tasty barbecue beef flavour sauce
  • Weight: 100g (400g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Contains Celery, Gluten, Milk, Wheat and Barley

    A Turn for the Better               A Turn for the Better
Yeah, Batchelor's Super Noodles! The last 4 flavours of these I've tested have resulted in an average score of below 2.5 for the range thus far, surely these can turn around their fortunes! (Bit of positivity never hurt anybody now did it?)

As always the prep is simple, the packaging isn't recyclable and so they get the usual score of 0.5 out of 2 in the first round.

How do they taste? The answer is not bad, I mean not great but not bad. They actually taste quite meaty but then again if you concentrate they actually taste a bit like Bovril. I like Bovril though which is a good thing for me and for those of you who don't know Bovril is a thick, salty meat extract. It has a similar consistency to Marmite. I can also taste a bit of onion which is nice. Out of 4, they're going to get 2.5 for flavour.

Do they remind me in any way of a barbecue beef dish? The answer is slightly, in that they taste a bit beefy. This is surprising as there's no mention of any kind of beef flavouring in the ingredients. There is the rather disconcerting ingredient called 'Flavourings' and although we're told that they contain no artificial colours or preservatives it doesn't mention flavourings so I am very interested to find out what 'Flavourings' means. We are told there is 'Smoke Flavouring' in there but that passed me by I'm afraid. Out of 2, they get 0.5.

How do I feel now I've finished? I don't feel bad, satiated for the time being, nice meaty flavour on the palette. Don't get me wrong I don't feel full of beans and ready to take the afternoon apart, but I don't feel bad at all. Hmmmm,  1 out of 2 I think...

Conclusion: They're not all bad!

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 4.5 /10

1 comment:

  1. These are really nice, but only worth it then they're on offer for 50p
