Friday 25 January 2013

#4 - Naked Noodle Chilli Beef Ramen Noodle Soup

  • Brand: Naked Noodle
  • Flavour: Chilli Beef
  • Cost: £1.00
  • From: Sainsbury’s
  • Description: Instant beef flavour soup with noodles, dried vegetables and chilli powder
  • Weight: 55g (355g when made up as per instructions)
  • Allergies: Wheat Gluten, Soy

    Got no beef...                                              Got no beef...
If you want to know my general reaction to Naked Noodles in terms of packaging and such stuff please see my earlier review of their Naked Noodle Hot & Sour Ramen Noodle Soup. Actually, I'll summarise here; pretty but incredibly thoughtless.

I've done a bit of digging on the heritage of these noodles and I've discovered that they are part of a range of brands that are supported by a  company called Symington's in Leeds, UK. They recently acquired brands like Ragu and Chicken Tonight from Unilever, they're involved with chefs like James Martin for his Bakery Range and they even supply to the giant Nestle. Anyway, let's get on with it.

Who's heard of Potassium Chloride? Used a salt substitute despite its lack of a salty taste it is also used in lethal injections. Plus, say you were for example performing heart surgery, once you'd bypassed the heart you'd need it to stop beating so guess what you'd inject it with, that's right, potassium chloride. I'd love to know why there's more of it in this pot than soy sauce powder!

“How do they taste?” The answer is I'm not sure, there doesn't appear to be any discernible flavour, certainly not of beef. There is a chilli-like sensation running through my palette but it also tastes peppery. A quick look at the ingredients explains all - there is no reference to any thing containing beef or beef flavour or even essence of cow fart - NOTHING!

“Do they remind me in any way of traditional chilli beef?”  The answer is no. Based on the fact that there's no beef flavour at all how can it? In the ingredients list you find onion powder, garlic powder, soy sauce powder, chilli powder, ground black pepper and Chinese five spice [salt, aniseed, sugar, onion powder, black pepper, cinnamon, clove, fennel seed, ginger, garlic] but considering that the five spice is the last listed ingredient you have to wonder just how much of the constituent parts are in there, you certainly can't taste any of them which brings me back to my earlier comment about the peppery / chilli taste. There's clearly more pepper and chilli powder in here than anything else and that, unfortunately, is the over riding flavour.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is, again, aaaallllll riiiight but a little heavier than I expect to be after a light lunch. I've also got a lot of pepper floating around my palette which is a little over the top.

Conclusion – Of the two flavours I've tried from Naked Noodle I like this less than the Hot & Sour and that wasn't great.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 3.5/10


  1. [...] to get a bit wound up with the noodle industry now, that’s Batchelor’s Deli Box, Naked Noodle and now Pot Noodle (that I’ve come across) who call their products beef flavoured and make [...]

  2. [...] line up of Naked Noodle flavours and given my views on the other two flavours (Hot & Sour, Chilli Beef) I’m not that excited. As usual there’s too much packaging and too many plastic forks [...]
