Tuesday 29 January 2013

#6 - Go! Noodles Spicy Curry Flavour

  • Brand: Go! Noodles
  • Flavour: Spicy Curry
  • Cost: £0.55
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Dried noodles, soya mince and vegetables in a spicy curry flavour sauce, with a separate  sachet of spicy mango chutney
  • Weight: 90g (300g when made up as per instructions with the spicy mango sachet)
  • Allergies: Wheat Gluten, Barley Gluten, Egg, Soya (May contain: Peanuts, Other Nuts and Sesame Seeds)

    Non-Recyclable!                                            Non-Recyclable! Not Impressed!
This test has not started well, despite looking like a Pot Noodle this particular brand doesn't mention anywhere on the packaging that the packaging is recyclable - in this day and age that is just ridiculous. I'd happily pay a little but more for something I knew wasn't going to end up in landfill. On top of that, the sauce sachet doesn't have a little tear in the side to get you going. I didn't think this would be a problem with something as gooey as a chutney, but alas, the chutney is as gooey as sugar water and I got half of it down my hand as oppose to in the pot. This did of course give me the opportunity to try the "spicy mango chutney" (which certainly isn't a chutney), there is a slight taste of mango and no discernible spiciness - it's just a bit sweet

It's your typical preparation story, remove lid, add water to easily distinguishable line, leave, stir, add sachet, leave, stir - simples. So why then does it say in step 7 (the most steps I've seen thus far) that you can add more water if desired. Surely the boffins at the food factory have already worked out precisely the optimal amount of water  - why would I need to add more???

“How do they taste?” The answer is not bad, they're a bit sweet and sticky which is nice. You get the odd crunch from a piece of carrot but the peas just seem to disappear. It's that kind of flavour that makes you want to go straight back into the pot as soon as the fork hits your mouth but having seen the ingredients list I'm going to assume that's just the MSG as there really isn't a distinctive flavour in there at all.

“Do they remind me in any way of a traditional spicy curry?”  The answer is no, not at all, not even a little bit. I've had curries from all over the world and this doesn't taste like any of them. In fact hold on, the first word is spicy so I'll deal with that first - it isn't spicy. OK back to the curry flavour, or lack of. It's more sweet than anything although a hint of spice does start to come through after a while.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is not terrible. The feeling is like after you've been to an all you can eat Chinese style buffet at 3am and realised why it only costs £10 so you left before you ate very much - that's the only way I can describe it. My stomach isn't overly happy and neither is my palette.

Conclusion – Not impressed, yes they've filled a small hole but not in a good way and why isn't any of the packaging recyclable? You may have seen my post on Naked Noodle Hot & Sour where I was also unimpressed by the packaging and I've discovered that they're both produced by the same company, Symington's in Leeds. Now I live in Leeds and try to support my local industries as much as possible but I have to say that I'm really unimpressed with these guys. On top of that there's more stabilisers and regulators than I've seen in any noodles before; we're talking sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate and MSG. I understand the price point at £0.55 but I won't be paying for this one again any time soon.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 2/10

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