Wednesday 13 March 2013

#30 - Chicken & Mushroom KING Pot Noodle

  • Brand: KING Pot Noodle
  • Flavour: Chicken & Mushroom
  • Cost: £1.36
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Noodles in a Chicken & Mushroom flavour sauce with vegetables and a little sachet of soy sauce.
  • Weight: 114g (385g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Non Listed

    Contemplative...                           Contemplative...
King Size is used in so many industries, from beds to cigarettes, why not use it with noodles too? The only thing I'd say is that getting something King Size usually means you're going to get a better deal - not here.

MATHS ALERT: If you take a normal size Pot Noodle at 90g costing £1.00 then it turns out you're paying 1.11 pence per gramme. If you then apply this cost per gramme to to the 114g you get in a KING Pot Noodle it should cost £1.26 and these cost £1.36. Where has this 10p come from? As a friend pointed out to me recently you still get the same size sauce sachet too and I can't believe the minimal extra packaging would cost them 10p so why are we being charged this amount??? I am going to write to Pot Noodle for an answer and will let you know if they respond.

Everything about this is just like a normal Pot Noodle that's been increased in volume. The packaging is the same just bigger, it's a standard Pot Noodle flavour so really you're just getting more. This raises something I mentioned earlier though, why is the sauce sachet the same size? as in a normal size Pot Noodle? I like to think that the manufacturers agonise over the proportions of flavourings in order to provide the best possible eating experience. This situation however tells me that we'll get what we're given.

“How do they taste?” The answer is pretty nice. There's a lovely peppery kick (despite pepper not being mentioned as an ingredient), the noodles are soft and well covered in sauce and the veggies give a good bit of texture as you're eating.

“Do they remind me in any way of a Chicken & Mushroom dish?”  The answer is a little bit. There is a taste akin to that of chicken (despite chicken not being mentioned as an ingredient) but I can't really pick up any mushroom (despite mushroom actually being listed as an ingredient)

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is pretty full and enjoying the after taste. I'm definitely going to have the energy for the afternoon.

Conclusion – One of the longest standing flavours is always going to taste quite nice. I'm just left wondering about the cost, the sachet, etc... Seems like all the energy I've got is going to go into quiet contemplation on Pot Noodle

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 6.5/10


  1. [...] the makers of these products tested everything to give you the best possible product. After the King Pot Noodle fiasco, coupled with this, I’m not so sure. To be honest though, if not, why [...]

  2. I quite like these, very filling and nice. First noodle I ever had.
