Tuesday 7 May 2013

#45 - Micro Noodles - Chicken Flavour

  • Brand: Micro Noodles
  • Flavour: Chicken
  • Cost: £0.74
  • From: Morrisons
  • Description: A bit on the side in under 3 minutes
  • Weight: 100g (280g when prepared)
  • Allergies: None listed specifically

    Not visually appealing            Not visually appealing
Bit early for me this today but I  am starving! Quite a physically demanding last few days have left me tired and suffering with a cold, need to re-energise and what better way than with a delicious pot of noodles - let's hope that what these are.

Micro Noodles is a brand I hadn't heard of previously. Looking at the packaging they are a Unilever trademark and on the receipt it refers to them as Knorr Micro Noodles, Knorr is a Unilever brand so who knows? Interestingly these are the first microwave prepared product and they are easy to make. Would be easier if the water fill level was on the inside as well as the outside but as the plastic's quite thin you can see how much water is inside from the shadow on the outside. Then it's just 2 1/2 minutes in the microwave, stand for a minute and enjoy (hopefully). It's also worth saying that the majority of the packaging (not the lid) is recyclable.

“How do they taste?” The answer is a lot better than they look. This solid looking beige sludge doesn't appeal but it actually tastes quite nice and is really moreish. The noodles are of a good texture and despite there being no broth the overall dish is kept quite moist.

“Do they remind me in any way of a chicken dish?” The answer is no, there is no attempt to even make them try and be chicken flavoured. The only flavourings mentioned are mushroom extract and yeast extract. There is of course MSG, 5'-Ribonucleotides, Potassium Chloride and Maltodexxtrin in there (check out the glossary for details) but I'm not aware of any of them tasting like chicken either.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is better. They're a good consistency with a tasty flavour  - note the lack of superlatives.

Conclusion – Microwave products aren't as bad as I thought. It is worth me saying that these appear to be aiming to be a side dish as oppose to a lunch time snack, the branding all points to that. Honestly though, if you're going to prepare a nice piece of chicken with some sugar snap peas (as in the serving suggestion) you'd be better off getting some proper egg noodles - they'll be cheaper and nicer - and you could always cook them in chicken stock yourself.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 5/10

1 comment:

  1. They're not great. The noodles are good but the flavour is quite boring. They're nothing special.
