Wednesday 8 May 2013

#46 - Batchelor's Chicken Flavour Super Noodles

  • Brand: Batchelor’s Super Noodles
  • Flavour: Chicken
  • Cost: £0.50 (reduced from £0.68)
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: Super Noodles in a tasty chicken flavour sauce
  • Weight: 100g (400g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Contains Wheat, Gluten, Celery, Milk

    Chicken? Really?? Where???   Chicken? Really?? Where???
Super Noodles eh? The nation's favourite packaged noodle that doesn't come in a pot is a way I recently described them. From what I've tested previously (Mild Curry & Sweet & Sour) I'm not sure I understand why, they're more expensive than other, and in my opinion better, products. Have a look at the Noodle League if you don't believe me.

Anyway, each test is its own test so regardless of previously formed thoughts I'm going in open minded - let's hope for the best :-) First of all the packaging can't be recycled but the product is easy to prepare in the pan and only take about 5 minutes.

“How do they taste?” The answer is bland! Considering the amount of flavour enhancers in here (Potassium Chloride, MSG, Disodium 5' -guanylate, Disodium 5' - inosinate) there's not much to write home / blog about. The real taste appears to be noodle.

“Do they remind me in any way of a chicken dish?”  The answer is no. They haven't even tried to add a chicken flavour, not even a feather for effect, ridiculous! This chicken flavoured product contains parsley, sugar, celery, onion and garlic - in my limited experience none of these things taste like chicken, again, ridiculous!

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” Annoyed, I've got another 3 packets of Super Noodles in the cupboard and that's not even all the flavours, grrr!

Conclusion – Just because everyone buys them doesn't mean they're any good. As I said at the top there's a lot better out there for less money!

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 2.5/10


  1. I heartily agree. I bought some of these on the reckoning that because other people seem to like them, they couldn't be all bad. How wrong can you be. There is nothing - absolutely nothing - to like about these disgusting, pappy, apologies for noodles. What makes it worse, is the total lack of anything resembling chicken!

  2. It's disgraceful really, and these are one of the most well known brands in the UK - come on citizens, try something different!

  3. They're nice enough but not great. After barbecue flavour these are the only super noodles I'll eat.
