Monday 13 May 2013

#47 - OoLongmen Chicken Flavour Noodles

  • Brand: OoLongmen
  • Flavour: Chicken
  • Cost: £0.74
  • From: Morrison's
  • Description: Noodles with chicken flavour, spices and dried vegetables
  • Weight: 66g (366g when prepared)
  • Allergies: Contains Wheat, Soya, Milk, Egg & Celery

    Not bad at all!            Not bad at all!
OoLongmen noodles are produced by the South Korean company Nong Shim who also produce a variety of other noodle products, you can have a look at their website here.

Inside the Pot 
Inside the Pot

First signs are encouraging. First of all the main cup is recyclable which I like a lot and there's not too much other packaging. Plus, when you get inside the pot you're greeted with a variety of dried vegetables just waiting to be rehydrated. Preparation is pretty simple too, peel the lid back half way, pour in boiling water to the obvious fill line, replace lid and wait for 3 minutes - then stir and enjoy (hopefully)!

“How do they taste?” The answer is really nice! They've got a lovely vegetable broth flavour that comes through above all else. They're not too sweet or salty and the noodles are a great consistency. Plus, the texture from the vegetables (carrot, textured veg protein, spring onion and mushroom) is really nice. I like these and they're getting 3 out of 4 for stand alone flavour. It's not a 4 because it's not that complex and as we are promised spices I'm still searching for them. You don't really get any of the garlic or turmeric but you can taste black pepper.

“Do they remind me in any way of a chicken dish?”  The answer is no. At least they've added "Artifical Chicken Flavouring (0.2%)" but they've also added artificial beef flavouring and yeast extract so you do get an overall meaty taste but it isn't chicken. They are however going to get half a point for at least trying.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is great! These are really delicious and leave you feeling satiated but light inside. Perhaps they could be a tiny bit more filling and so that's 1.5 out of 2 for me.

Conclusion – These are good, a good price and a great flavour. If only they hadn't said they were chicken flavour...

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 6.5/10


  1. I'm glad you recommended them :)

  2. […] other day I reviewed another Nong Shim product, OoLongmen Chicken Flavour Noodles, and they got a good 6.5 out of 10. I came across these at the same time and I’m looking […]

  3. Good stuff and it's only $0.57 at my local No Frills. I particularly enjoy the beef flavor (with actual itty-bitty dried up beef.
