Tuesday 14 May 2013

#48 - Jamaican Jerk Pot Noodle

  • Brand: Pot Noodle
  • Flavour: Jamaican Jerk
  • Cost: £0.50
  • From: Morrison's
  • Description: Noodles in a Jamaican Jerk flavour sauce with vegetables and a little sachet of mango sauce.
  • Weight: 90g (305g when prepared)
  • Allergies: May contain traces of soya and milk

    [caption id="attachment_344" align="aligncenter" width="545"]Surprisingly Good! Surprisingly Good!
So if someone were to say the word "jerk" to you there may be a variety of responses running round your head. For me, the immediate thought is barbecued chicken smothered in spicy, herb infused paste served alongside some rice and pea. I love Caribbean food so I have only one thing to say to Pot Noodle - "Good luck!"

As usual the pot and lid are recyclable just leaving the sachet to end up in the bin. Preparation is easy, remove lid, pour, wait, stir, wait, add sauce, stir, eat. When it's made it's a really deep brown colour and there's peppers, onion and peas floating around - looks like a good start, let's dig in.

“How do they taste?” The answer is quite nice. They're pretty sweet but with 9g of sugar per pot that's not surprising. I'm trying to work out what the overriding flavour is but it's not easy. Going through the ingredients I'm still not sure but it's a bit of a spicy kick to it, sweetness of the onion definitely comes through too and there is just a hint of herbs - which you'd expect as they contain chives, basil and thyme.

“Do they remind me in any way of a traditional jerk dish?”  The answer is a tiny bit. You see for me jerk is quite caustic (in a good way) and this is too sweet for that. That said though the after taste reminds me of when I've had a jerk dish. Just because I'm in a good mood I'm going to give them 1 out of 2 for their effort.

“How do I feel now I’ve finished it?” The answer is spicy mouthed and overall quite pleased.

Conclusion – Look, it's not jerk but it reminds me of jerk. It's definitely one of my favourite Pot Noodles so far.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 7/10

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