Tuesday 4 June 2013

#58 - Koka Vegetable Flavour Noodles

  • Brand: Koka Noodles
  • Flavour: Vegetable Flavour
  • Cost: £0.39
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: N/A
  • Weight: 85g (485g when rehydrated)
  • Allergies: None Listed

    Very nice! 
Very nice!

So far I've only reviewed the Koka products in the pot, this is the first of the packet types and I've gone for a simple vegetable flavour although I did find a total of 6 flavours in the Tesco I was in (Forster Sq, Bradford) which will be reviewed before too long.

As usual there's nothing recyclable about the packaging but the cooking is one of the quickest I've seen, noodles in a pan and cook for 2 -3 minutes adding the flavourings, that's it and that's speedy! Still only 0.5 out of 2 for this section though.

Just before I move on, here's the entire ingredients list (noodles aside); Salt, MSG, Vegetable Flavouring, Soya Bean Extract & Spices - compare that to any packet of Super Noodles (at nearly twice the price too) and see which you prefer the look of. In fact, have a look at this review where I listed all the ingredients in the Southern Fried Chicken Super Noodles, I think it's astonishing I really do.

How do they taste? The answer is nice. There's a fair bit of salt knocking about but it really helps to bring out the other flavours. The main ones I pick up are onion and mushroom.

Do they remind me in any way of a vegetable dish? The answer is yes. They taste a bit like vegetable soup, they are salty though.

How do I feel now I’ve finished? Salty but contented, the broth / noodle ratio is bang on and the taste isn't bad at all.

Conclusion: Do not buy UK produced noodle products - unless they're Kabuto - Asian products are usually a lot better.

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 5.5 /10


  1. I've often used these sort of noodles and tend to add tiny pieces of other veggies to the water before I add the noodles, so that they have a chance to cook. My preference is for broccoli, green beans and sweetcorn - but you could add anything you like, depending on how long you want to be there cooking it for! The saltiness can be a bind, but when you're craving salt they certainly hit the spot!

  2. […] with the Koka packet noodles. I had the vegetable flavour yesterday and they did alright, plus I’ve already reviewed the curry flavour pot which did […]
