Wednesday 12 June 2013

#62 - Koka Tomato Flavour Noodles

  • Brand: Koka Noodles
  • Flavour: Tomato Flavour
  • Cost: £0.39
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: N/A
  • Weight: 85g (485g when rehydrated)
  • Allergies: None Listed

Tomato flavour noodles??? Really??? 

I don't think any UK producer would go for something so simple. That said, if you take a look at a Beef & Tomato Pot Noodle there's no attempt to make the thing taste of beef so maybe they should?

Non recyclable packaging but easy to prepare, they get 0.5 out of 2.

My preconception is that these would just be a bit of tomato powder and a sachet of ketchup. I was wrong, you add the flavour sachet (all powder) at the end of cooking with this product and it's clearly packed with tomato extract. As soon as it hits the hot water you get the same smell as when you open a tin of chopped tomatoes, very interesting...

How do they taste? The answer is quite nice. They're a bit sweet, a bit salty and a bit tangy. There's no massive blast of flavour but what you get is quite refreshing. I'll give these 3 out of 4 I think.

Do they remind me of a traditional tomato dish? The answer is yes and that dish is tinned tomato soup. So they don't taste like a tomato exactly but when I cook with tomatoes I always add a bit of sugar and when I serve them I always add salt - doesn't everybody? However, there is an artificial edge to the tomato taste so, out of 2, they achieve 1 point.

How do I feel now I've finished? Well, the flavour has descended into a kind of meaty after taste which isn't great but I'm pretty happy, another 1 out of 2.

Conclusion: Tomato flavour noodles??? Yes!

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 5.5/10

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