Tuesday 18 June 2013

#65 - Koka Vegetable Flavour Noodles

  • Brand: Koka Noodles
  • Flavour: Vegetable Flavour
  • Cost: £0.89
  • From: Tesco
  • Description: N/A
  • Weight: 70g (unknown when rehydrated)
  • Allergies: None Listed

Frothy, like sea, and just as salty

Eagle eyed readers will say "Hey, you've reviewed Koka Vegetable Flavour Noodles before!" and I'd say "Yes, that's true but they were in packet form this is the pot!"

The first big difference is in the price, the packet version are less that half the price of the pot at a whole 50p cheaper and they have a higher net weight which is bizarre. I find it hard to believe that the packaging is worth the extra cost, let's see how we get on.

The afore mentioned packaging isn't recyclable and they even throw in a non-recyclable fork, grrrr. That said, prep is a simple matter of pour, cover, eat so they get 1 out of 2.

How do they taste? The answer is tasty, if not a bit salty. It's essentially a vegetable stock made up of onion powder, soy protein, mushroom powder, chives and a bit of curry powder - what's not to like and then with the added rehydrated vegetables you get a lovely texture too. I'm going to give them 3 out of 4 as that salt is bothering me a little.

Do they remind me of a vegetable dish? The answer is yes, just read above to see why, but the salt is getting overpowering, 1 out of 2.

How do I feel now I've finished it? Well is the answer, satiated but light. I do have this salt left though which isn't great. 1 out of 2.

Conclusion: If you've got the option, I'd go for the packet

Need 4 Noodle Rating: 6/10 which is the same as the packet version but with the extra half point for being able to eat straight from the packaging

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